La aspiración de poros es un tratamiento de belleza muy popular que lleva varios años intrigando a los fanáticos del cuidado de la piel y que recientemente se ha hecho...
Pore vacuuming is a popular beauty treatment that has intrigued skincare fanatics for several years. Devotees claim that it gets rid of blackheads and improves the look of their skin...
Eyelid procedures are among the most popular elective plastic surgeries in the U.S. If you’re thinking about a cosmetic procedure involving the delicate areas around your eyes, you’ll want to...
Al intentar enseñar la importancia de una dieta equilibrada, a veces incluso los padres bienintencionados pueden caer accidentalmente en el control alimentario y la vergüenza por el peso.
While attempting to teach the importance of a well-balanced diet, sometimes even well-intentioned parents might accidentally encroach on food policing and weight shaming. Here are a few tips to help...
Four years after COVID-19, researchers warn of a new “invisible epidemic.” But Valley fever doesn’t spread from person to person—instead, people get sick with the respiratory infection by breathing spore-laden...
Si no está seguro sobre las pruebas de alergia, aquí tiene algunas preguntas frecuentes que pueden orientarle a la hora de decidir si buscar o no la ayuda de un...
Allergies can affect everyone differently, including the symptoms you have and the treatments that work.If you’re not sure about allergy testing, here are some commonly asked questions that may help...
The effects of a stroke are varied depending on which part of the brain is affected. Each patient’s cognitive, sensory and motor functions will be affected differently.
People need and deserve to find a qualified mental health provider, but it can often be a confusing process. Most people don't know where to start. Our mental health experts...
Concussion recovery can sometimes be a frustrating, confusing process. If you suffered a serious blow to the head and experience symptoms weeks or months after the fact, you may have...
Glaucoma es una compleja enfermedad ocular que afecta a más de tres millones de estadounidenses y puede causar ceguera irreversible. Sin embargo, al menos el 50% de las personas con...
Glaucoma is a complex eye condition that affects more than three million Americans and can cause irreversible blindness. Yet at least 50% of people with glaucoma don’t know they have...
If you are eligible for bariatric surgery, two procedures can be considered: gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass surgery. Understanding the key differences and benefits is crucial to making an...
While losing a limb is a life-changing experience, it's important to remember that you don't have to go through an amputation alone. Your postoperative care will involve an interdisciplinary team...
Un accidente isquémico transitorio (AIT), a menudo denominado mini-accidente cerebrovascular, se produce cuando un coágulo de sangre o un estrechamiento de los vasos sanguíneos causan una interrupción temporal del flujo...
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) lasts only a few minutes and, unlike full strokes, usually do not cause permanent brain damage or have long-term effects. If you’ve had a TIA...
An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA or “triple A”) is a potentially life-threatening condition where the aorta, which is the body’s main artery, becomes enlarged in the abdomen. This condition can...
Los expertos del Centro Oftalmológico John A. Moran de la Universidad de Utah advierten de que mirar directamente a cualquier parte del sol durante cualquier eclipse solar puede causar daños...
Experts at the John A. Moran Eye Center at the University of Utah warn that looking directly at any part of the sun during any solar eclipse can cause eye...
If you’ve noticed that your child’s chest looks slightly sunken or caved in, they might have a type of chest wall deformity called pectus excavatum, also sometimes referred to as...
Cuando está embarazada, el cuerpo se llena de sorpresas. Estas vueltas y revueltas pueden incluso traer noticias alarmantes del médico sobre un embarazo de alto riesgo.