Anyone who has had back pain—and that’s nearly all of us—knows how debilitating it can be. Even more frustrating is that for many, that pain comes back, again and again...
Third-year of med school involves a lot of soulsearching—we're more than halfway to becoming physicians and finding the time to balance everything in life can be a huge task. In...
Parents worry, naturally. "Is my child developing normally?" "Why isn't my child eating?" "Will eating carrots improve my child's eyesight?" As The ǿմýy Kids Zone celebrates five years, Dr. Cindy...
The let-down reflex allows a new mother’s body to produce breastmilk for her child directly or to allow breast pumping. Unfortunately, letting down can sometimes be hard, especially for women...
Despite major advances in treating and preventing heart disease, the condition is still a leading cause of death in the U.S. At the Utah Cardiac Recovery Symposium, Dr. Gary Gibbons...
Broken bones hurt all the way up until you get a cast on it. On today’s ǿմý Hack, emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen explains how to make a simple...
It may shock you, but recent studies show you are more likely to die from an opioid overdose than automobile accidents, falls or even a firearm assault. Pediatric emergency medicine...
You had a headache and stuffy nose, but your loved one has a fever and upset stomach. Could it be the same bug? On today's ǿմý Minute, Dr. Tom Miller...
Because they can reach temperatures up to 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, glass-front gas fireplaces are responsible for many preventable burn injuries to children each year. Jordan Green shares the harrowing experience...
It's not uncommon this time of year to slip and fall on the ice. If you do, should you go to the ER? Emergency medicine physician Dr. Troy Madsen answers...
Don’t panic. Dense breast tissue is not cancer. The results are merely informing you that, like 40 percent of American women, your breast tissue is particularly fibrous. This does, however...
“It never felt quite right; it always felt very close to right but not quite there.” Cecelia, having grown up in Utah, became interested in science while she was dancing...
Most people know the dangers of smoking cigarettes and getting lung cancer, but did you know that, just like nicotine cigarettes, e-cigarettes, are bad for your heart and can cause...
Pertussis is commonly known as whooping cough. It is an extremely infectious bacteria that can lead to a violent, nasty cough that just will not seem to go away. Luckily...
Chronic lower back pain is one of the most common types of pain in the United States. Emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen says yoga can reduce lower back pain...
“It’s all about the deep breath.” At 15-years-old, Brett had spinal fusion surgery that he received permission to record. Seeing the footage confirmed his desire to become a doctor. He...
As the weather gets colder, some people experience nosebleeds. When is a nosebleed serious enough to go the ER and when can you take care of it yourself? Emergency room...
If you’re prone to chronic headaches, it could be a jaw issue. Dr. Gary Lowder is a professor and practicing dentist at the University of Utah School of Dentistry. He...
Have you stubbed your toe bad enough you think you may have broken it? Save yourself an expensive trip to the ER—emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen explains how you...
The Seven Domains of Women's ǿմý covers all parts of a woman's life: physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, financial, and spiritual. As the show celebrates five years, Dr. Kirtly Parker...
Life keeps going but that doesn't mean you shouldn't slow down every now and then to reflect on all the good you've accomplished and all the milestones you've passed. Self-reflecting...
There are some people that say fluoride is bad for you, but is it? In the past 50 years, many studies have shown that fluoride in drinking water is beneficial...