The statistics about men’s mental health in the U.S. are not encouraging. About six million men in the U.S. are affected by depression each year. Mental ǿմý experts at U...
Meet Torrence Wimbish, PhD, CMHC, supervisor for the University of Utah's MH1 Program, an after-hours crisis support program for students living on campus. In addition to his role as supervisor...
University of Utah ǿմý scientists discovered insights into the importance of a minor cell type in the brain—microglia—in controlling anxiety-related behaviors. The findings could lead to new approaches for targeted...
Una época en la que el adolescente quiere plantar su bandera de independencia, y eso es sano. Pero hay momentos en los que su hijo verá hasta dónde pueden llegar...
There may be times when your teen may see how far they can push boundaries. Setting personal boundaries can help reduce conflict while creating a trusting relationship. Here's how.
Around 34% of adults in the United States say that stress is “completely overwhelming most days. While stress may appear to be a normal part of life, it doesn’t have...
University Neighborhood Partners (UNP) is partnering with the Kem & Carolyn Gardner Mental ǿմý Crisis Care Center in order to foster better relationships within the community and to break down...
Vivir con depresión puede resultar aislante y abrumador, y a veces esos sentimientos tardan mucho tiempo en desaparecer. Los antidepresivos pueden ayudar a aliviar el dolor en algunos casos, pero...
El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) afecta aproximadamente a 1 de cada 36 niños en Estados Unidos, según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC). En...
Criar a un niño con autismo no es tarea fácil, independientemente del lugar que ocupe en el espectro. De hecho, es una especie de maratón de larga distancia sin línea...
The Receiving Center at Huntsman Mental ǿմý Institute is temporarily closed as we improve our supportive services to those experiencing a mental health crisis. Renovation is underway to expand the...
Huntsman Mental ǿմý Institute (HMHI) welcomes Sahib S. Khalsa, MD, PhD, as our Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds speaker on April 5, 2023. His presentation is titled “Interoception and mental...
Seamos realistas: es difícil admitir que uno está pasando por bullying. De hecho, la mayoría de los niños no mencionarán el tema, por lo que los padres deben armarse de...
There's no magic bullet for warding off bullies. Every playground, classroom, and social networking site has its fair share of mean guys and girls. But thanks to a newfound sense...
¿Cómo se define el agotamiento? ¿Cuáles son los signos que hay que buscar? ¿Cómo afrontarlo? He aquí algunos consejos útiles y formas de combatir esta sensación de desesperanza.
So, how do you define burnout? What are the signs to look for? How do you cope? Here are some helpful tips and ways to combat this sense of hopelessness...
For the first time, a new analysis found that among Utah children aged 8 years old, rates of autism were equal in White children and children from historically underserved populations...
Miranda was struggling with debilitating depression and suicidal ideation after trying countless treatments and therapy prescribed by her doctor. The team of mental health experts at Huntsman Mental ǿմý Institute...
Huntsman Mental ǿմý Institute (HMHI) welcomes Peter Ash, MD, as our Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds speaker on March 15, 2023. His presentation is titled “Criminal Culpability in Adolescents and...